ARRI | FF-5 | Follow Focus


ARRI FF-5 Follow Focus - Cine Set Pro

  • [ ¥5,000 / day ] + tax

ARRI FF-5 Follow Focus - Single Side Kit

  • [ ¥3,000 / day ] + tax


The Arri FF-5 Cine Set Pro is a complete follow focus kit including a cine follow focus base, left- and right-sided standard focus knobs, two lens gears, one speed crank, one short whip, and 10 marking disks. Use the FF-5 Cine's integrated snap-on bridge mechanism to mount the follow focus to ARRI lightweight support rods. A bridgeplate adapter is required to use the FF-5 Cine with 15 or 19mm studio rod systems (not included). Having a gear ratio of 2:1, the FF-5 Cine is designed for cine-style lenses, with one turn of the focus knob resulting in two turns of the focus gear. This gear ratio suits the generously-spaced focus marks found on most cine lenses.

The Arri FF-5 Single Side Kit provides a stripped down, simple option that makes a great sturdy backup on set. Includes the base follow focus unit along with one wheel that can work on either operator side or assistant side as a fully functional streamlined bit of kit.

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